A list of commonly used MedShare terms around Blockchain`s world.
Transaction Fee - Every action on the Ethereum network costs a gas fee to be processed. This includes investments and other transactions that need to be written on the Blockchain.
Blockchain - A digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically, permanently, and publicly. MedShare runs on the top of Ethereum blockchain network.
Cooldown Speed - After a CryptoKitty breeds it needs to rest. You’ll see a “Resting” or “Bun in the Oven” tag on cats that have just finished breeding. A cat’s starting rest period length, its “Cooldown Period,” is determined by its generation and increases the more the Kitty breeds.
Cryptocollectibles – Tokens that represent non-fungible digital assets, like art or digital assets. They are not classified as crypto-currencies like Bitcoin or Ether.
Dapper - Dapper is the fastest and easiest way for you to manage your digital assets, buy cryptocurrency, and enjoy your favourite blockchain games and dapps safely. For developers, Dapper offers tools to build new experiences and tap into a dedicated community of users. Think of Dapper as your gateway to blockchain.
Ether - Ether is the cryptocurrency used on the Ethereum network and in MedShare.
Ethereum - MedShare runs on the Ethereum blockchain network. The Ethereum network runs programs called Smart Contracts. In MedShare, smart contracts allow members to invest, buy, sell and share. Smart contracts run free of human intervention, making them safe, efficient, and trustworthy.
Family - Is the group of members that belong to the same family.
Investment - Users can invest in the MedShare platform.
Member - Is the individual that can belong to a family or start his own family.
Gas - Gas represents the computational power used to process and add a transaction to the Ethereum blockchain. For a transaction to be approved a user must pay a transaction fee to the computers that confirm transactions. You can set the gas price for your transaction, which will affect the speed that it’s processed. A higher gas price means faster processing, a lower gas price slower. A transaction will use as much gas as is required, up to the user-defined limit. If the gas limit is reached, the transaction will fail (and no gas cost will be refunded).
Gift Card - Users can invite people that in real life belong to his own family through Gift Cards.
Gwei - Gas prices on the Ethereum blockchain are set in Gwei. One Gwei is 1/1,000,000,000 of an ether.
Marketplace - On the MedShare web app, this is where you can get gifts and other stuff from us.
Order - Order is every sale made through the MedShare web app in ETH for any Service.
Last updated
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